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Hi, my name is michael dakota rispoli.


My main creative specialties are: directing and writing for the screen. 

The moment in life that inspired me to start creating was the moment I was born into a life where movies played a major role. My father owned a video store in Queens, New York, and I was fortunate enough to spend my youth surrounded by movies.

Some of my favorite projects are shorts and features, although I wouldn't be opposed to directing a stage production if given the opportunity. 


In my free time, I enjoy writing and conceptualizing original stories, watching movies, playing video games, and keeping up with the NHL.

Some of my all time favorite movies are Jaws (1975), Blade Runner 2049 (2017), and The Shining (1980). 

If you're interested in joining our team, I recommend being original, creative, and pleasant to work with. It's all about unity, equality, and creation at The Diamond Eye. 

My name is Michael and I was created to create.

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